Warwick Uni students launch campaign Students Saving Our Theatres to raise £10,000

Posted on | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

A new initiative to help raise funds for theatres facing administration due to the coronavirus crisis has been set up by three students at the Warwick University Drama Society. The target for Students Saving Our Theatres is to raise £10,000 on Crowdfunder and the campaign has already managed to raise nearly £2,000 so far after launching last week.

Students Saving Our Theatres steps in where the UK Government is failing

Lucy Chamberlain, who is one of the new initiative's founders, said: "We are determined to support our theatres where the government are failing to. The money we raise will be divided equally between each society who will give it to their chosen theatre!"

The campaign is running for 5 weeks and includes weekly challenges to help reach its goal, including a TikTok challenge, helping out in the theatre communities, learning a foreign language, running 5k a day, and an online scratch night to showcase student theatre from universities across the UK.

More than 70 supporters for Students Saving Our Theatres and counting

So far as of 16 June 2020, more than 70 supporters have pledged money to Students Saving Our Theatres' crowdfunding campaign, totalling at about £2,000 (one-fifth of their overall goal). What's more, the campaign is also working closely with 19 Drama societies from 19 different universities, including Oxford, Edinburgh, Leeds, and UEA.

Laughing Mirror Theatre, a supporter of the campaign, commented on the Crowdfunder page: "This is such a brilliant way of uniting drama societies across the country to save local theatres. Break legs! Our company formed whilst we were all students at UEA and local theatres, such as the Maddermarket in Norwich, have been so encouraging in our growth."

Drama students are the future of UK theatre. Don't miss this unique opportunity to help them support the performing arts, whether you choose to donate, participate in their weekly challenges, or both!

🎁 Donate to the Students Saving Our Theatres campaign on Crowdfunder here.

By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Ephram is a jack of all trades and enjoys attending theatre, classical music concerts and the opera.