Top 5 Wicked Songs

Posted on | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Admit it, Wicked has put a spell on you! Well, us too! That is why it has been so difficult for us to choose the best songs when we love them all! See our ranking for the Top 5 Songs from Wicked below!

Pictured: Glinda decides to give Elphaba a makeover in "Popular"

5. No One Mourns the Wicked
It would be wicked negligent of us not to put this opening number on our list. The song features a grand symphonic orchestra right at the beginning that sets the scene for the grand-scale production that is to come. Following the overture, Ozians celebrate the death of Elphaba, The Wicked Witch of the West, a scene that is paradoxically juxtaposed with the birth of Elphaba.

Key Lyrics: “Let us rejoicify that goodness could subdue / The wicked workings of you-know-who / Isn't it nice to know / That good will conquer evil?

4. Dancing Through Life
This number is sung between Fiyero, Elphaba, Glinda, Nessarose, and Boq. In Pink Floyd fashion reminiscent of ‘we don’t need no education’ in their hit “Another Brick in the Wall,” troubled student of Shiz University Fiyero radically sings about ignoring school altogether and living an ‘unexamined life.’

Key Lyrics: “Dancing through life / Skimming the surface / Gliding where turf is smooth / Life's more painless / For the brainless

3. For Good
This song, which is sung close to the end of the show, is considered to be the most emotionally touching one in the entire musical. The two witches Glinda and Elphaba bid farewell for the final time.

Key Lyrics: “It well may be / That we will never meet again / In this lifetime / So let me say before we part / So much of me / Is made of what I learned from you / You'll be with me / Like a handprint on my heart

2. Popular
Oh-em-gee! Makeover! Similar to Regina George in Mean Girls and Cher Horowitz in Clueless, Glinda decides to make the unpopular girl in school her own little project in one of the show’s most memorable numbers. Featuring amusing lyrics and an upbeat tempo, you’ll have to refrain yourself from singing along in the theatre.

Key Lyrics: “Ooh! I'll show you what shoes to wear / How to fix your hair / Everything that really counts to be / Popular! / I'll help you be pop-you-who-lar.”

1. Defying Gravity
Easily more popular than “Popular,” not a single performance of “Defying Gravity” goes by without thunderous applause from the audience. After being cast as a pariah for her own political views and made the target of a witch hunt, Elphaba grabs her broom and soars to gravity-defying heights in the musical’s most memorable scene. Whether you can hit a high note or not, this is certainly the best Wicked song to sing in the shower!

Key Lyrics: “So if you care to find me / Look to the Western Sky / As someone told me lately / Everyone deserves a chance to fly"

Do you agree with our list? Which Wicked song is your favourite?

Wicked is now playing at the Apollo Victoria Theatre and booking until 25 May 2019. Dance through life and book your tickets to Wicked now for the best seats and the best prices!

Purchase your tickets to Wicked here.

By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Ephram is a jack of all trades and enjoys attending theatre, classical music concerts and the opera.