Steph Parry cast as the next Dorothy Brock following Mamma Mia! rescue

Posted on | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels (Updated on Feb 20, 2019)

From sitting backstage eating carrots with houmous to becoming the new star of 42nd Street, Steph Parry is truly a modern rags-to-riches story! This heroic understudy for Dorothy Brock has now officially landed the role and will be replacing Lulu next month.

This announcement comes as no surprise after the actress made headlines last week for saving a Mamma Mia! performance just next door. She reportedly rushed out of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane to play Donna Sheridan after Caroline Deverill injured herself during the show in front of 1,000 audience members. In just 18 minutes, Parry was already being whisked into costume and makeup, soon to perform in front of the same audience.

It had been Parry's first day back from holiday and she had no idea of the whirlwind she was soon to find herself in. “After Thursday I just went back to work and little did I know what the next few days were going to turn out like - it has been crazy,” said the 35-year-old actress.

Parry graduated from the Arts Educational stage school in Chiswick 14 years ago and until recently has only been able to get acting jobs as an understudy. Her first West End role was six-and-a-half years ago in Billy Elliot as an understudy for the role of Mrs Wilkinson. Since then, she has been an understudy for three parts in Mamma Mia! and an understudy for Madame Morrible in Wicked.

The news of Steph Parry's casting couldn't come at a greater time as tonight, 15 June 2018, will mark the 500th performance for 42nd Street

Parry's first performance as Dorothy Brock is scheduled for 9 July 2018.

For tickets to see 42nd Street, click here.

By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Ephram is a jack of all trades and enjoys attending theatre, classical music concerts and the opera.