Introducing TriOperas: Turandot, Butterfly & Carmen

Posted on | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels (Updated on Jan 31, 2019)

Introducing the highly-anticipated world premiere of Pamela Tan-Nicholson's TriOperas: Turandot, Butterfly & Carmen. This radical reimagining of the three legendary operas, which fuses dance with martial arts, acrobatics, ballet, parkour, and stunts, is poised to become an unforgettable tour de force when it opens at the Peacock Theatre on 23 May 2018.

TriOperas: Turandot, Butterfly & Carmen, features the eponymous heroines generations ahead of their time. Turandot is a tenacious warrior princess, Madame Butterfly is an elegant and ambitious Japanese geisha, and Carmen is an independent Spanish gypsy and rave party girl. 

Pamela Tan-Nicholson's fresh take on the femme fatale trio is inspired by modern idiosyncrasies unique to our generation:

"We live in a world where things move very quickly. News travels fast. Even love happens more quickly. You swipe on Tinder, you go on Instagram, you like somebody, you strike up a friendship and boom! You're in love. So I think music and emotions also have to move at the same pace. And that’s why each of these stories [Turandot, Butterfly & Carmen], I’m retelling them, but in 35 to 40 minutes each.” - Pamela Tan-Nicholson

The dance show is also a merger of various music styles, including operatic vocals mixed with punk, rap, rock, and hip-hop. This unique combination is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience classic opera in a modern context

Cast rotation is yet another stand-out feature for this Convent Garden Soloists production. Roles in the three operas will rotate between nine multi-talented female performers, including Keedie Green, Sara Hamilton, Sianna Bruce, Lucy Kay, Sarah Naudi, Martina Mennell, Shoreina Pereira, Chiarra Vinci and Katie Shalka.

TriOperas is in part a celebration of the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in the United Kingdom, Women's History Month and International Women's Day on 8 March 2018. It is backed by UNESCO and will feature a complimentary on-site exhibition entitled Women Power World Opera, which is sponsored by the V&A Museum and the Royal Opera House.

The show is shaping up to be a summer smash hit. It will run from 23 May 2018 until 1 July 2018 with press night on 29 May 2018. With such a limited run, make sure to book now to see this unique London theatre show before it's too late. 

Book affordable tickets to see TriOperas here.

By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Ephram is a jack of all trades and enjoys attending theatre, classical music concerts and the opera.