2020 Olivier Awards cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

The awards ceremony was due to be held on 5 April 2020 but has now been cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis that has swept the world.

2020 Laurence Olivier Awards cancelled

Just weeks after the shortlist of nominees was announced, the Olivier Awards 2020 will now no longer be going ahead, it has been confirmed.

The Society of London Theatre who run the event every year issued a statement: "We are working through plans on how to properly honour and announce this year's winners, and will release further information soon."

The awards show would have been hosted by Jason Manford and were set to take place at the Royal Albert Hall, which has now suspended all performances and shows until further notice. It is not yet certain when UK and London theatres will reopen, as no specific government advice has been issued in regards to a timeframe. This uncertainty has forced member venues of SOLT and UK Theatres to close their doors indefinitely "until further notice."

Ticketholders to the event will be refunded by the Royal Albert Hall. STAR (Secure Tickets from Authorised Retailers) have recently asked customers to remain patient and kind as ticket agents work hard to update their systems and issue mass refunds. 

By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels

Ephram is a jack of all trades and enjoys attending theatre, classical music concerts and the opera.