Remaining time: 

    Important information

    Child policy
    To be confirmed.
    Running time
    To be confirmed.
    Performance dates
    4 August 2024 – 15 September 2024
    Please note that this play contains depictions of suicide, scenes of violence and war, and misogynoir references.
    Special notice

    PLEASE NOTE: This is a roofless (open air) theatre. Performances go ahead in all conditions so dress for the weather!

    All performances are captioned. Relaxed Performances: 1st September at 1PM, 5th September at 7:30PM. Audio Described Performances: 4th September at 2PM, 15th September at 1PM.

    Antony and Cleopatra Customer Reviews

    3 / 5 (8 customer reviews)

    Nick Barnett

    3 October 24

    Powerful and admirable, sometimes hard to shift gears to follow text.

    Janice Harris

    8 September 24

    To be honest, I was disappointed with “Anthony and Cleopatra.” While I knew there would be sign language involved, I did not understand, when I ordered tickets, that some characters would not speak at all, especially Cleopatra. As a theatre ed educator, I wanted to include a Globe Theatre performance in my activities. Unfortunately, it was hard to achieve any level of connection with the characters due to trying to read the captions and watch the action on stage. I applaud your efforts in attempting this type of performance. However, this show was not enjoyable for me and we left at intermission.