Why School of Rock rocks!

Posted on | By Jade Ali

Everyone knows and loves the popular movie ‘School of Rock’, starring Jack Black, but perhaps not everyone has heard of the musical adaptation. For theatre and musical fans, you’ll be inclined to see this production purely on the grounds that it comes from the great Andrew Lloyd Webber. For those not already intrigued by the premise of this great movie adapted into a musical by one of the best… really? Okay, well here are some other reasons why this musical rocks and why you should see it anyway.

For any production to work, it needs a strong, all-rounded talented cast. Whilst there are many actors who dream of being on a West End stage, this can still be a challenging feat for casting directors. Now consider that this cast is mostly made up of children and how you’d imagine that would prove even more difficult yet. Well, whilst watching School of Rock you are completely swept away by the utter professionalism and talent from the entirety of this cast; age isn’t a problem. It’s rather extraordinary more than anything to watch such young actors because their talent is extraordinary, especially when taken into consideration that not only are they remembering lines, stage directions, lyrics and dance choreographies but they actually play their respective instruments, too. It’s simply astounding and a must see. Also, if you’ve seen the musical adaptation of Matilda and were impressed there, then this will definitely give you the same vibes.

So, it goes without saying that any production, no matter how good the cast is, would fall flat without the bones and structure of a great script and, being a musical, great songs. Now, this is a musical that is all about music so the pressure is even higher yet (and that’s not to mention the pressure put on by fans of the film). However, there’s no need to worry here, if you’re a fan of the film, you will not be let down. If anything, this will only make you love School of Rock more. Being a fan of musicals in general, it’s not surprising that I find that the songs only add to the story. It intensifies the emotions and presents more that the film didn’t.

A strong cast and a great story and brilliant songs and you’re all set to go, right? Any theatre lover knows that this isn’t the case. Costumes, set, lighting, sound, etc, are just as important as the bigger flashier parts of the production. A show would be incomplete without all these frills. School of Rock the musical isn’t any different and excels in all these elements. The revolving stage allowed for quick set changes and made it easier for scene to scene transitions to take place.

This musical is an all-rounder. It has everything that makes a great musical and then some. It’s very much got that something special that will make this production stick in your head. It’ll make you want to see it again and tell everyone else that they should too. School of Rock is perfect for families as it’s enjoyable for all ages and will definitely score you cool points if you were to treat your family to tickets to this fantastic musical.

By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y