Why I Love Theatre by Molly Richardson

Posted on | By Molly Richardson

In truth, theatre is something that only really fell into my life about two years ago. I’d seen a few shows prior, and grown up with a few musical movies, but for some reason I’d just never been overly exposed to theatre. I think I also had a bit of preconceived idea that it wasn’t for me, due to some negative stigma I’d heard like, “Why do people randomly burst into song though? What’s the point?” 

However, it all changed firstly, when I met one of my best friends in college who was a massive theatre fan as it encouraged me to be a little more open-minded and see what all her fuss was about. Secondly, when I took a chance on seeing “Made in Dagenham” in April 2015. I went with a friend simply as something different to do and due to the fact we both enjoyed the work of Gemma Arterton.

That particular show made me fall in love with theatre because I’d never expected a stage show musical to make me feel so much. I left the theatre feeling sad, proud, excited and above all happy. Even now, I find it difficult to explain but I just fell in love with everything about it, from the excitement of the build-up and the day itself, to the show and the music (which I believe I’ll always regard as one of my favourites now). Everything was new and exciting. 

Since that moment, it’s been a whirlwind two years of sinking my teeth into as much theatre as I possibly can, and there are very few shows I’ve seen that I haven’t enjoyed. Each of which have given me a different message to take away and be inspired by, as well as a sense of joy and a place to escape reality for a mere few hours. It’s also encouraged me to get out more, meet new people, battle and help with my anxiety. So, here’s to many more years of theatre loving… 

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