Those Toe Tapping Dames!

Posted on | By Kay Johal

The current production of 42nd Street at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane is not only a spectacle to watch but also a delight to the eardrums. This show also has one of the best openings to any production currently in the West End. The manifestation of the superb tap dancers perfectly in sync as the curtain rises is simply breathtaking. Pair the stunning choreography with clever lighting techniques and amazing songs and you’re in for a night that you won't forget in a hurry. 

This classic musical is packed to the rafters with amazing songs to get your toes tapping. Everyone will recognise the iconic hits, ‘42nd Street’, ‘Lullaby of Broadway’ ‘We’re in the Money’ and ‘Dames’ to name but a few. ‘Shadow Waltz’ sung by Bonnie Langford as Dorothy Brock was one number which was beautifully sung and the simplistic lighting used to create the shadow waltz was stunning. Langford performed both the comedy and heartache of Brock with perfection. Her dazzling rendition of ‘I only have Eyes for You’ is one of the musical highlights of the production.

In the role of Peggy Sawyer, Clare Halse excelled. It became almost impossible to take your eyes off of her phenomenal performance. Her spectacular voice was perfect in all numbers, especially ‘Young and Healthy’ and ‘About a Quarter to Nine’, however, it is her dancing that is the most eye-catching. In the number ‘With Plenty of Money and You’ the dance break with Halse and the male ensemble was jaw-dropping - indeed the dancing overall throughout the production is exceptional with the title number ‘42nd Street’ producing goosebumps. Much should be made of her colleagues also; 42nd is a physically demanding show and to display it with such skill and care deserves an applause tap-worthy!

This show is one of the hottest tickets in town and with such an incredible cast it is easy to see why. One thing is for sure though, you will leave the theatre with the sound of the staccato beat of tapping in your head accompanied by a delightful soundtrack. And the best bit – you don’t have to be in the money to get a good deal on tickets.

Tickets for 42nd Street are now available for the run at Theatre Royal Drury Lane until 5 January 2019.

By Kay Johal

Kay particularly enjoys musicals and has a passion for writing.