The Curse Of Not Having Seen ‘The Cursed Child’ Yet (And How To Cope)

Posted on | By Jade Ali (Updated on Jun 10, 2020)

The Harry Potter play is the biggest thing since the last Harry Potter film was released in 2011. The magic has had the nation and the world gripped for almost two decades now and it lives on. When tickets for this Harry Potter sequel were released, chaos ensued. For those of us fortunate enough to live in London or in the UK, seeing the latest instalment was a must.

If you weren’t able to get tickets yet or your time hasn’t come around then you know the curse. You’re not in the #KeepTheSecrets squad. You’re not cool and in the know. So what is a muggle in the need of their next magic fix to do? Well here are some ideas:

1. THE SCRIPT IS BEING SOLD!! This isn’t brand new information but just in case you haven’t got your hands on it yet, now is your time. Yes, you’re faced with the dilemma of not wanting to spoil the play before you’ve seen it but you read the books (assumedly) before seeing the films. This will feel more proper this way. (Surely). 

2. Reread all the books from Philosopher’s Stone to Deathly Hallows. That’s seven pretty decent size books. Getting lost in all that old magic will bring back memories and prepare you for the next chapter; nineteen years later. 

3. Finished rereading all the books and still have time? Rewatching all the films is the next logical step. As tempting as it is to watch as many as you can in one sitting, try and spread it out over a week. A good one a day marathon (Apart from the last day when you’re gonna have to buckle up and watch both parts of Deathly Hallows. Bring your Chocolate Frogs for snacking.)

4. Take a trip to Warner Brother’s Studios for the Making Of Harry Potter Tour. One way to really dive into the world of witches and wizards is by visiting the set itself. Wander along Diagon Alley and get yourself a butterbeer. Your Potter fix will be sorted, I’m sure of it. 

5. Still waiting? There are so many brilliant plays and musicals to sink your teeth into. Why not go see Les Misérables again? You know you want to. See a new play. 

Your time will come around and whether or not you’ve decided to read the script, you’ll love it anyway. If you haven’t got your Harry Potter And The Cursed Child tickets yet, then more are set to be released on August 4th so get in there and enjoy the magic.

🎟️ Find out more about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child here.

By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y