Q&A with Carley Stenson from Les Misérables

Posted on | By Sarah Gengenbach

Today's #WhenIWas18 interview features Carley Stenson who is currently playing Fantine in the West End production of Les Misérables.

Tell us a little bit about yourself at 18. Were you studying, working? What were your hobbies and interests?
When I was 18 I was at Winstanley College studying dance and drama. I was also in Hollyoaks. I loved everything to do with performance and going out with my friends to a club called Kudos.

So, we’re turning 18 this year and we’re planning a full month of competitions, giveaways and topping it all off with a huge party. How did you celebrate your 18th birthday?
My family hired a pub near our house and I had a party. It’s since turned into an amazing Indian restaurant we always go to when I go home. 

Tell us something wild or crazy you did as a young adult.
Oh gosh! I volunteered for a competition in said club Kudos where I had to swap clothes with a guy on stage. Whoever did it fastest won a day trip to Ibiza!! I won!! 

What did you most look forward to/dread about turning 18?
I'm quite an optimistic person and not fazed by much so I guess I didn't think much about it, I was just looking forward to being seen more as an adult and being taken more seriously. Now I'm an adult I just want to be a kid again ha!

Is there anything you miss about being 18? Would you go back to age 18 if you could?
I had more energy and there's something blissful in ignorance at that age and lack of responsibility. Seeing more of my friends was amazing.

If you could deliver a 30 second message to your 18 year old self, what would it be?
I would go back just for a day or two to see how much I've changed and remember all those little things I’m forgetting, that you take for granted in the moment. I wouldn't tell her a thing. I love my life right now and I'm here because of the great choices and extremely wrong choices I've made. I wouldn't want to risk changing it.

See Carley performing in Les Misérables which is currently booking until March 2018.

By Sarah Gengenbach

Sarah's love of theater was sparked by an enthusiastic drama teacher who wouldn't take no for an answer. These days she's much more comfortable in the audience than on the stage. She's an English teacher and enjoys reading and writing when she's not teaching or at the theater.