Q&A with Aladdin star Jade Ewen

Posted on | By Jade Ali

Jade Ewen is a star of screen and stage and a pop star to boot! She’s been playing Jasmine in Disney’s Aladdin since the West End premiere in 2016. We were lucky enough to catch up with Jade about her experiences so far. Don’t miss our interviews with her co-stars Matt Croke (Aladdin) and Trevor Dion Nicholas (Genie).

Your career has been successful (and eventful) from a young age to now, from appearing in Busted’s ‘What I Go To School For’ music video (a very big deal) to coming fifth place in Eurovision when representing the UK (huge deal) and that’s not to mention your time in the Sugababes – but how do you feel your leading role in a musical as esteemed as Disney’s Aladdin adds to your career and does it affect your future career?
I am very thankful that I have been given this wonderful opportunity to play Jasmine in Aladdin. I first started my career in theatre as a child in Lion King as ‘Young Nala’ so I have a very special connection to Disney as it was the show that first inspired me to want to be on stage and perform. It has always been a dream to be able to call myself a leading lady in the West End, which I am proud to now be able to say I have accomplished. I don’t know what the future holds, but I am confident that this wonderful experience will only lead on to other amazing things.

You have a great singing voice, but how did you find the change from being a pop star to performing on the West End?
Being in a musical definitely strikes a good balance between acting, singing and dancing for me. For as long as I can remember I have always done all three and I really enjoy expressing myself through all of those mediums, so it would be impossible for me to choose a preference but that being said, it is a very special thing to be able exchange energy in such a direct and instantaneous way when performing live on stage.

Jasmine is still a very important princess in the Disney universe, especially for POC representation, how important is the role to you?
Jasmine has always been a very iconic and memorable Disney princess. I admire her strength, integrity and independent attitude towards life and always thought that she was an amazing role model for young girls. It was massively inspirational to see a Disney princess who looked like me growing up. I love that other little girls of all different ethnic backgrounds can come to the show and be inspired in the same way. It is truly an honour to be able to bring that role model to life.

If Disney were to make another stage musical, what would you like it to be and what would be your dream role?
I would love to either play Pocahontas if Disney ever made a musical of that. She was another beautiful inspirational woman and the lyrics in ‘Colours of The Wind’ are some of my all time favourite lyrics EVER

Following on from that, Disney are making a lot of live-action versions of many of their popular films, is this something you would be interested in? Would you make that change from stage to screen for more Disney magic?
Yes, I would absolutely love to be involved in a Disney live-action movie that would be epic!

Aladdin is currently booking through 1 December 2018 at the Prince Edward Theatre. Book your Disney’s Aladdin tickets here!

By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y