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MICHAEL SHEEN returns to his home town this Easter weekend to lead an epic contemporary revival of the town's community PASSION play. Inspired by a year of story-gathering, poet OWEN SHEERS will give voice to the town's tales of redemption, return, and faith in a three-day Easter event with the whole of Port Talbot as cast, crew and set.

"Having been working on this project for over a year and a half now, I can say without any reservation, that it is a true honour to work with the people of Port Talbot. Every day something is revealed about this place that stops me in my tracks. The enthusiasm and support has been tremendous already, but perhaps more than anything, it is the constant reminder of why I wanted to do this project in the first place - the spirit of compassion, the feeling of community, the passion of a people in a town that refuses to be overlooked or passed by. So often, our town is looked down on or dismissed, sometimes by ourselves even. I hope that The Passion will be an opportunity for the world to see what is revealing itself daily to all of us fortunate enough to be a part of this adventure, - that Port Talbot is an example of what is best about us, what is most deserving of celebration and shows us that miracles are happening among us every day, if we have but eyes to see and ears to hear." - Michael Sheen

The National Theatre of Wales and Wildworks production will also be filmed for a feature length movie, directed by Dave McKean to be released early next year.

More information about The Passion can be found on the National Theatre Wales website.