Line-up announced for the 21st Annual WhatsOnStage Awards

Posted on | By Jade Ali

The WhatsOnStage Awards were recently announced to be still going ahead this year, which will be streamed 14 March 2021. The event will be different this year and will take the time to celebrate “Angels” who were nominated by audiences for the love and care shown during the pandemic. The Awards show will feature over 20 stage stars who join the evening to celebrate the performing arts community.

The Annual WhatsOnStage Awards 2021

The award ceremony will be streamed on 14 March 2021 and presented at London’s Turbine Theatre. The 21st Annual WhatsOnStage Awards will feature a whole host of performers and will celebrate shows that were halted by the pandemic and those created and performed during lockdown, as well as those that will raise the curtain when theatres reopen. The evening will be presented by Jodie Prenger and Tom Read Wilson.

WhatsOnStage Angels

“Angels” is a new feature of the WhatsOnStage Awards. On the evening, 21 Angels will be announced and celebrated. They were nominated by the public for love and care during the pandemic. Once live theatre returns, the Angels will be treated to seeing a show.

The WhatsOnStage Awards line-up

The line-up as announced by WhatsOnStage will feature the following:

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By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y