Kinky Boots: New Cast, Same Feel Good Show!

Posted on | By Harriet Wilson

We should never underestimate the power of a musical that is simply fabulous, feel-good and fun. In other words, shows like Kinky Boots. For me, watching Kinky Boots is about as much fun as you can have in a theatre. The music, the costumes (the boots!), the easy to enjoy plot- everything comes together perfectly to create a show that you physically can't walk away from without a massive smile on your face. No wonder it's won every major 'Best Musical' award... 

Kinky Boots has an impact: Accept everyone! Be who you want to be! The amount of energy that the cast have to pump into the theatre each night is stunning. The Kinky Boots (London) cast has recently changed, and I was pleased to see that the energy with which the new cast have taken on the show is boundless.

London's new Lola – Simon-Anthony Rhoden (who understudied Matt Henry when he was in the role) – has managed to step into the large boots of his Olivier-award winning predecessor and wowed the audience with his vivacity. I was also extremely impressed by the show's new Lauren – Verity Rushworth – who is great fun to see on stage, and has a brilliantly strong voice.

The obvious fact is that feel-good musicals make you – well, feel good- and there are lots of reasons why seeing a show like Kinky Boots is the best choice. Perhaps you're taking a big group to the theatre, or you're somebody who isn't particularly “into musicals”. You don't have to like musicals to have fun (apparently) and so, even if it's not your usual scene, seeing a really positive show may be something that you enjoy more than seeing something really intense, where you have to really buy into the whole production in order to enjoy it at all.

Kinky Boots is now about to celebrate its second birthday and is booking until March 2018 so, if you're wondering whether a feel-good musical might be the right choice for you after all, make sure that you book now to see this fantastic production. It is definitely not one to be missed.