Interview with the cast of MAMMA MIA!

Posted on | By Sian McBride

Residing in the gorgeous Greek island of Kalokairi 6 days a week, the cast members of MAMMA MIA! are no strangers to the sun. However, the blistering heat isn’t for everyone. Jake Bailey, who plays Pepper in the show much prefers a ‘British’ summer, ‘I can’t deal with the heat and sun!’, in fact everyone we spoke to in the cast; Gemma Goggin (Rosie), Mazz Murray (Donna) Miles Henderson (Sky) Meg Hateley (Sophie) all agreed that the predictably unpredictable British weather was best! So, it’s a good job, that their mythical paradise is located at the Novello Theatre in the heart of the West End, where a cooler climate is almost guaranteed!

Another thing that the tight-knit company all agree on? The importance of crisps at a picnic! When asked to describe their alfresco must-haves, a variety of ingredients were mentioned, from the highbrow (Gemma: strawberries, prosecco, salami…) to the, not quite Michelin star (Miles: cocktail sausages, tinnies...) the one thing that reunited all the dream feasts were crisps (or be it black truffle ones in Gemma’s case…)

Food and drink are an important aspect of their lives (and they certainly need it, leaping, dancing, and singing in the most energetic show in the West End eight times a week!) dark chocolate is an interval must-have for some, whilst twister ice lollies and ice creams are the only way to cool down for others. Meg can be seen drinking a large Diet Coke to quench her thirst, whilst her fictional mother, Mazz, prefers cool beer and larger (after work, of course!)

Just like Sophies three possible dads, there are a few differences between the cast members. Some have elaborate, and expertly timed pre-show rituals (Jake: I have a fair few, I always go say hello to wigs while I fill my bottle up while "Honey Honey" is on, me and the boy's fist bump before walking on, I’ll always do a clap and prayer before "Voulez Vous" and before "Does Your Mother Know" I will siren, pray and blow the nose because a runny nose in that number is the last thing anybody wants!) whilst others are a tad simpler (Miles: I get into costume.)

We caught up with the cast to discuss all things BBQS, on-stage mishaps, and, of course, MAMMA MIA!


Describe your ideal summer’s day in the Capital.

Gemma: A morning boat trip along the Thames with the kids with some frozen yoghurt and a Carousel ride on the Southbank and then some childcare so the husband and I could go and have lunch at Ducksoup and espresso at Bar Termini together. I’ve thought this through!

Jake: In a nice open park, having all picked up your favourite nibbly bits and drinks, surrounded by your best mates with good chat, laughter, and games! (Can’t beat a bit of rounders)

Mazz: Walking through Covent Garden and having lunch outside 

Miles: Having a kickabout in the park with mates and ending up in a beer garden.

Meg: A big BBQ with friends and family (and dogs!) 

How do you cool down on a summer’s day?

Gemma: In our old flat I used to lie naked on the floor tiles in the hall. Now we’re on a windows open / fan on / popsicles down your underwear and ice cream to eat situ.

Jake: On a hot summers day the only way to cool down is a nice cold shower and a freezing cold Pepsi max! (Or fruit cooler from Pret)

Mazz: A cold beer 

Miles: Iced coffee, a twister ice lolly and a whole load of water.

Meg: I put a wet flannel in the fridge to put on the back of my neck & run my hands under cold water… followed by a large glass of Diet Coke! 

What are your picnic must-haves?

Gemma: Strawberries, Prosecco, bread and snazzy dips, black truffle crisps, and salami galore.

Jake: Picnic must-haves are absolutely crisps and dips, a nice fruity drink and if I’m honest I’m a sucker for a good ham sandwich…or four! 

Mazz: Cheese and biscuits with grapes and crisps with cans of cold Lager 

Miles: Cocktail sausages, crisps, tinnies.

Meg: Crisps and dip! 

What character from another show do you think your character would most enjoy having a BBQ with?

Gemma: Now that’s tricky right, because I’m not just meant to pick the hottest male…. Difficult. Rosie requires an adventurous, sexual, funny man who likes to eat. Otherwise the picnic will be awkward. I’m gonna go Edward Lewis in Pretty Woman just before it closed. Whether that fits my requirements or Rosie’s I’ll leave up to you. Though I am married and my requirements at picnics or otherwise are catered for

Jake: I think Pepper would have an absolute blast with the Burger Palace Boys from Grease. Good group of lads who constantly dig at eachother and have a laugh which is pretty much Pepper and Eddie so I would have to go with them. I think Pepper, Eddie and the Burger Palace Boys round a Barbie would be a good laugh!

Mazz: Elsa as she must be fed up of all the frozen food.

Miles: Doc from BTTF.

Meg: Sven from Frozen 

What has the hottest show you’ve seen this year?

Gemma: Oklahoma. 

Jake: This year I think try favourite has been Standing at the Sky’s Edge. The writing, the acting, the vocals, the direction, everything about it was flawless. I will absolutely be going back when it transfers next year!

Mazz: I loved Back To The Future 

Miles: Guys and Dolls @ The Bridge

Meg: Standing at the Skys Edge 

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Gemma: Stretch and release from the wizard and all round wonderful human that is Dane Chalfin. I’m more of an interval ritual person - green tea, some fruit, and some 90% dark chocolate.

Mazz: Getting ready as late as possible - being too early stresses me out 

Meg: Me, Tash, and Liv (who play Sophie’s friends Ali & Lisa) run around the taverna twice and do a big group hug 

How do you unwind after a show?

Gemma: A Trip can or a G&T can depending on the day. The rest is private.  

Jake: I normally quite enjoy the buzz and I think it’s important to keep and reflect on that energy instead of trying to get rid of it. So I will do what my body needs in that moment, but after that I will get home and have a shower, make some food, get into bed then either watch something or speak to friends/family! It’s important to take moments to yourself.

Mazz: Watching Love Island or Married at First Sight Australia 

Miles: Cooking while listening to a podcast.

Meg: Sit on the train & read my book or listen to a podcast  

What is your favourite song/scene to perform in the show?

Gemma: "Dancing Queen" for the camaraderie with Mazz and Josie. "Take a Chance" because who doesn’t want to re-live their youth of chasing men around and finally getting them, 8 times a week?

Jake: Song would without a doubt be "Does Your Mother Know", I guess that’s for obvious reasons. (If you don’t know I guess that’s your excuse to buy a ticket)! The scene would be the drunk scene, me and the boys just have a laugh and you never know what Lucca is going to come out with so 9 times out of 10 that laughter is very very genuine!

Mazz: The Winner Takes It All, because I feel it’s the audiences favourite too

Miles: The Megamix.

Meg: My favourite scene is Dad's Arrival and songs are "Honey Honey" & "Slipping Through My Fingers"  

Have you ever made a ‘hot mess’ of yourself on stage/any embarrassing moments?

Gemma: I mean I corpse (laugh on stage) very easily so that’s always a danger. Especially as my body very evidently shakes when I laugh. I’ve fallen over during Super Trooper and thought I looked like a turtle that had got stuck on its back for a solid 30 seconds but actually it was about 5… I’m sure there are worse to come.

Jake: I wouldn’t say many hot mess things, of course things go wrong and you just deal with it as you need to but I’d quite like to think it’ll stay that way! Embarassing, yes, when certain people stitch you up but I won’t mention any names! 

Mazz: Yes often! Too Many to mention 

Miles: I was so sweaty that I couldn’t get my wetsuit on in Lay All Your Love.

Meg: I ripped my jeans before performing at west end live. Another time, I forgot to bring the keys on for dads arrival and had to run off to get them whilst singing thank you for the music! (Very sweaty!) 

Do you see yourself in any of the characters in the show?

Gemma: I’m firmly Rosie. Though I wouldn’t wear many of her costumes in real life. I’m not entirely convinced she’s travel to a Greek Island via plane and boat in an embroidered heavy jacket either! 

Jake: To be honest, Pepper, he’s just a cheeky chappy who loves life and is always up for a laugh.

Mazz: Yes, Donna Tanya and Rosie, and Sophie.

Miles: Bill, I love to travel and see myself as a bit of an adventurer.

Meg: Rosie, for her sense of humour 

Why should we spend the summer at this show?

Gemma: You should spend your summer at MAMMA MIA! because the songs are some of the best ever written, this cast and our team backstage are brilliant and talented and funny and that joy and friendship off stage is evident on stage. It’s got to be the most feel-good show you can see, and it will have you laughing and crying and dancing. I’m not sure many can say that. 

Jake: Why wouldn’t you? It’s on a Greek island, it’s a fantastic story, the music is ABBA and who doesn’t love ABBA, and you get to get up and boogie at the end. MAMMA MIA! definitely isn’t one you want to miss! 

Mazz: It’s A GUARANTEED scorcher with Summer vibes, island love, and that gorgeous feeling of holidays.

Miles: It’s just such a feel-good show, you’re guaranteed to leave with a smile on your face!

Meg: If you want to spend any time inside this summer there’s no better place to be than on a Greek island with us! 


Book your tickets to MAMMA MIA! today!

Make it a Super Trouper Summer, with tickets to this feel-good show. Book your tickets today. 

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