A Definitive Guide to the Heathers Songs

Posted on | By Sophie Thomas

Dear diary, Heathers the Musical continues to breathe a new lease of life into the Winona Ryder-red 1989 film. Heathers follows Veronica Sawyer, a high-schooler who suddenly finds herself fitting in, albeit with the wrong crowd. The high-energy American musical kicked off on Broadway in 2014, but found its feet in London, thanks to multiple seasons at The Other Palace and UK tours. Many famous faces helped its popularity too: Carrie Hope Fletcher and Jamie Muscato originated the roles in London, with rising stars across the West End all getting started with Heathers. 

With its catchy songs, colourful costumes, and Tiktok-trending lines, it’s no surprise a younger generation is growing up with Heathers in the West End. Join the Cornnuts and discover all the songs in Heathers the Musical. Croquet mallets, at the ready…

The most famous Heathers the Musical songs

Honey, what are you waiting for? It’s time to learn all about the Heathers songs. Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy’s dynamic soundtrack fuses 1980s beats with contemporary references for a timeless store. Join the trio of Heathers in 'Candy Store' as they make it clear who rules the roost. There’s plenty of time for Veronica Sawyer to shine through song too: 'Dead Girl Walking' and 'Seventeen' follow our blue scrunchie-wearing teen as she navigates life at Westerberg High. And if you’re on TikTok, there’s a few viral sounds that come from the show. Heard of 'Martha Dumptruck in the flesh?' Yep, that’s from Heathers.

Heathers the Musical in London has two songs written for the UK shows. Listen out for 'Never Shut Up Again' in Act One and 'I Say No' in Act Two.

Heathers the Musical Act One songs


September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary. If you’ve seen Heathers in London before, you’ll recognise the opening line of the show. But if you’re enrolling in Westerberg High for the first time, welcome! 'Beautiful' follows Veronica Sawyer as she introduces the audience to life at Westerberg High. There’s the jocks, the stoner kids, the preppy cheerleaders, and of course… the Heathers: Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather Macnamara. Veronica sees herself as an outsider. Can she get her way into the in crowd?

Candy Store

At first mention, 'Candy Store' sounds like a syrupy-sweet song. However, for the Heathers, promising Veronica popularity if she writes a fake love letter is like taking candy from a baby. 'Candy Store' has the trio of Heathers (always led by Heather Chandler) talking about how they control their influence over the student body.

Fight for Me

Veronica’s a high schooler. Of course, she will fall head over heels for anyone that’s interested. And that includes those who fight for the right morals too. In 'Fight for Me', Veronica grows fascinated with Jason “JD” Dean after she sees him fight the school bullies, Kurt and Ram.

Freeze Your Brain

It’s time to meet JD properly. He’s from a troubled background, and you can regularly find him loitering around a 7/11 convenience store. Veronica and JD share Slurpees in 'Freeze Your Brain', and JD confides in Veronica about his family life and troubled outlook on the world. To JD, a Slurpee machine is like “praying at an altar of slush.”

Big Fun

These Westerberg high schoolers love to party, especially when there’s alcohol involved. And in 'Big Fun', you’re invited to one of the biggest get-togethers of the year. Like any party, there’s plenty of silliness, but the Heathers prank Martha and Veronica drinks too much and throws up on Heather Chandler - a cardinal high school sin. Having fun isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Dead Girl Walking

What can Veronica do? She’s lost her friends. She’s lost her sense of self. She’s idling around. Wait! She can go to JD, he’ll know what to do. Watch Veronica Sawyer climb through a window into JD’s bedroom and sleep with him. Filled with intensity and urgency, the song captures her determination to take control of her life, even if she’s going about it the wrong way.

The Me Inside of Me

Veronica feels awful for ruining Heather Chandler’s night, so she offers to make a hangover cure. But without Heather’s watchful eye, Veronica’s free to mix any ingredients. JD adds a drop of toxic drain cleaner and forces Veronica to serve it - what can she do? She’s a highschooler who wants to impress. Forced with no alternative but to give the drink, Veronica knowingly kills her friend. JD forces Veronica to write a suicide note that’ll act as her alibi. But in 'The Me Inside of Me', Heather Chandler takes centre stage and explains what she’s really like, away from the tartan skirts and ruling the roost.

You’re Welcome

Poor Veronica. She’s trying to get on with normal life, but everywhere she turns, she’s followed by her mistakes. Things only get worse when Kurt and Ram encroach upon her and unsuccessfully try to rape her. While 'You’re Welcome' may sound upbeat, its sinister meaning shouldn’t be ignored. Did you know the original song was called 'Blue', a play on words with “Blue” meaning a colour and "blue" as a polite term to explain raunchy behaviour?

Never Shut Up Again

With Heather Chandler out of the equation, it’s time for Heather Duke to step up and take control. Switching from the green blazer to the red blazer in seconds, 'Never Shut Up Again' follows the HHIC (Head Heather in Command) as she revels in her new leadership role.

Our Love is God

JD and Veronica like to plan pranks. Veronica will bring Kurt and Ram to the cemetery to make the fictional threesome a reality. But what Kurt and Ram don’t know is they’re going to meet their death in the cemetery and it’ll be staged to make it look like they were a couple.

Veronica and JD seem to be a match made in heaven. Equally dark thoughts and a willingness to spur one another on means their relationship will only grow stronger. 'Our Love is God' is a chilling duet between Veronica and JD as they cement their commitment to what each other will do, for better or worse.

Heathers the Musical Act Two songs

My Dead Gay Son

Act Two of Heathers starts with 'My Dead Gay Son', a gospel-inspired number led by Kurt and Ram’s fathers as they celebrate their son’s (untrue) sexualities. Watch the Westerberg High kids clapping and dancing in the aisles as they learn how Kurt and Ram behaved - or what Veronica and JD want you to think about how they behaved.


Oh, 17. An age where you feel like an adult, but you’ve still got so much to learn. JD wants to continue his killing spree, but Veronica’s growing increasingly uncomfortable with what she wants from her boyfriend. 'Seventeen' proposes an ultimatum. Will they have a normal life? Or will they be a violent pair forever?

Shine a Light

Let’s not forget that, in the middle of this, all the teenagers are meant to be in lessons. School teacher Mrs Fleming won’t let them forget! 'Shine a Light' follows Mrs Fleming as she leads a televised therapy session encouraging the kids to celebrate their uniqueness. Watch out for any potential Steves in the audience! Don’t know what we mean? You’ll have to see Heathers the Musical in London to find out.


The televised therapy session strikes a nerve with the yellow blazer-wearing Heather MacNamara. Reflecting on a teenage life in the Heathers’ shadow, 'Lifeboat' puts a spotlight on the last Heather as she provides a glimpse into the daily pressures faced by being in the popular crowd.

Shine a Light (Reprise)

Fractured high school relationships come to the fore in the 'Shine a Light' reprise. Heather Duke mocks Heather Mac for expressing her true feelings, only for Veronica to say she killed people and have nobody believe her. Veronica tries to rectify her past mistakes when she stops Heather Mac from overdosing in the bathroom. But with oppressive thoughts everywhere you turn, what can you do when the light shines on you?

I Say No

It’s time for Veronica Sawyer to stand her ground. She won’t continue behaving in this way. Instead, she’s going to fight for what’s right. JD’s carrying a gun trying to persuade Veronica to kill Heather Duke, but for the first time, she says no. She breaks up with him.

Kindergarten Boyfriend

While at Westerberg High, Martha Dunnstock is the butt of everyone’s jokes. It’s time to listen to her version of events in 'Kindergarten Boyfriend', a heartfelt solo that sees Martha plead to bring back childhood innocence without all the societal pressures of being a teen. She tries to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge - but is unsuccessful.

Yo Girl

We’re building to the Heathers musical climax step by step. And that starts with Veronica Sawyer’s parents learning about their child’s out-of-character behaviour.

Meant to Be Yours

Now a single man, and with nobody to support him, what’s JD meant to do? Oh, he knows. Time to blow up the school! A fake petition he’s made turns out to be a mass suicide note. JD fails to convince Veronica to join him in his plan. Veronica dangles from a noose to shake JD’s mind away from this bad plan, but he’s decided. He will blow up the school.

Dead Girl Walking (Reprise)

Having faked her death, Veronica raises to stop JD from ruining everyone’s lives. Taking a stand against his violent plans, can she change his mind and get him on the right side?

I Am Damaged

Finally, JD realises the extent of his action. But it’s too late. Unable to disarm the detonator, it eventually explodes, killing him alone. Is this a selfless act, or extremely selfish? That’s down to you to decide when you watch Heathers in London.

Seventeen (Reprise)

Long-standing friendships rectify themselves in the Heathers closing moments. Veronica Sawyer and Martha Dunnstock are friends once more, and high school’s a little calmer. But will their compassionate community stay strong?

Who wrote Heathers the Musical songs?

Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy wrote the Heathers the Musical songs. The American composer and lyricist duo previously composed musicals including Bat Boy and Legally Blonde the Musical.

Is there an age restriction for Heathers?

Be advised that due to its grown-up material, Heathers the Musical may be inappropriate for younger audiences. The musical contains crude language, partial nudity, as well as repeated mentions of murder and suicide.

Is Heathers the Musical worth seeing?

The Heathers musical is well worth seeing if you’re a fan of the original film, or you want to see a bold teen musical that’s transformed modern musical storytelling. It’s also a great place to watch young nurtured talent in the West End.