Cheap Theatre Tickets – Competition Winner Announced!

Posted on | By London Theatre Direct
We recently asked our readers to create a story about how to buy cheap theatre tickets in London. Congratulations to our competition winner, 13 year-old Lucie Robova from Basingstoke, who’s winning entry is below. Lucie wins a fantastic London theatre weekend for her and her family. Well done, Lucie!

I’m Billy Elliot, and today I’m going to take you on a humorous tour of London’s West End, and show you how to find cheap theatre tickets.

I’ve arranged to meet my blood brothers from Chicago and we plan to meet on Avenue Q.  We are going to look for the best seats in town and then hopefully get some Dirty Dancing in later.

Firstly, we will take 39 steps towards the famous Leicester Square, which I have been told is the hub to buy discount theatre tickets.  In Leicester Square, there are a number of ways to purchase discounted tickets, one is visiting the renowned ticket booths. But I’ve been warned, to look out for ticket touts…

The booths/agencies must be part of S.T.A.R. or SOLT...the governing bodies of ticketers and retailers, otherwise it could be a Thriller ride and the End Of The Rainbow for our special night out.
We chose to see We Will Rock You, and were surprised to find so many groups of people.  They appeared to be having a Wicked time!  I met a leader of one group, he was called Oliver, who bought the rest of the orphans along, and found out they benefitted from a group discount for their theatre tickets. They purchased these in advance from a reputable agent online, so I was pleased to hear there was another way to obtain a discount ticket.

After the show we left for a random dance, in one of the nearby clubs...but my brother Bill Bailey was a slight embarrassment as he could not dance - we saw him Stomp across the floor! It made the other guests Les Miserables.  My other brother worked his Flashdance moves and managed to bag him a Legally Blonde.

Mamma Mia! We certainly are hungry!  We chose one of the many restaurants within Theatreland, from Mexico to China, so much choice and cultural affluence, we opted for Mediterranean classic Grease.

Our time in London was soon coming to an end and our La Soiree was starting to feel like a distant memory. The next morning we left for the airport where my brothers boarded the Pam Ann flight to Jersey – Boys have a great journey! My summary of our night out, it was a fun night, but went in a Flashdance.  I would always recommend making sure you purchase your cheap theatre tickets from a reputable company.