5 shows I'm excited to see at West End Live (2021)

Posted on | By Kay Johal

Show me the way…to Trafalgar Square

Recently returning from Reading 2021 has me ready for festival season and my absolute favourite of the year is West End Live (WEL)! Returning triumphantly to Trafalgar Square on 18-19 September 2021, WEL features an abundance of live musical theatre (that doesn’t involve massive queues for the loo or pitching overnight in a tent).

Before I give you my take on it, here are a few tips to get you started. WEL is un-ticketed, however, be aware that it is a VERY popular event and space is at a premium.  You will need to prove your Covid status. Make sure you bring appropriate clothing; it is an outdoor event. There are plentiful supplies of food in and around the Square. Nearest transport links: Charing Cross, Embankment & Leicester Square.

WEL is a great way to get a snippet of what show you are interested in seeing, shows you hadn’t thought of seeing but a sneak preview has changed your mind and of course, getting to see performances that are, well, "West End Worthy".

Here are my all-time top 5:

1Phantom of the Opera - Scott Davies/Killian Donnelly as the masked man.  I am firmly Team Phantom (apologies to Raoul in his unrequited love)
2. Come From Away - Hashtag: the Kindness of Strangers. Come From Away is a must-see!
3. The Lion King – Hakuna Matata!
4. Les Miserables – the score alone makes me tear up
5. Jersey Boys – I am beggin’ you to book a visit to Jersey Boys!

Alongside being able to watch old favourites, West End Live! is also a way to discover new shows.

The top 5 shows I'm excited for this year are:

1. ALW’s Cinderella – who doesn’t like a Bad Cinderella?
2. The Great Gatbsy – a firm favourite bookwise, but how will it translate to the stage?
3. Back To The Future Musical – Great Scott!
4. The Prince of Egypt Musical
5. Amelie The Musical

So, there you have it.  What shows will you go and see this year?

By Kay Johal

Kay particularly enjoys musicals and has a passion for writing.