Originally from Cheshire, North West England, Robert Oliver is a professional musical theatre performer. He is currently based in London and is appearing in On Your Feet as Phil/Dr Neuwirth. Formerly, he used to represent his county, playing cricket for the Cheshire youth teams. Oliver is experienced in both professional and fringe theatre. Apart from that, he is a skilled Baritone and Falsetto who can also dance, and play the drums and piano.
He graduated from the London College of Music (LCM) in 2014, before which he attended two GSA summer schools for dance and musical theatre.
Oliver started working onstage even before graduation. His credits include DW Griffith in The Biograph at the LCM (2013); Peter Quince/Egeus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at AMSND2014; Jason in Ordinary Days at the LCM (2014); Narrator in Into the Woods (All Star Productions, 2014); various roles including Charlie Kinch and Mr Rabbetts in Danny the Champion of the World at the London Contemporary Theatre (2015); ensemble in Dick Barton Special Agent at the UpStage Theatre and Leicester Square Theatre (2015); Charles Alderdice in Phantasmagoria (2015); Lamps in The Gentleman of Nowhere at the Hookhitch Theatre (2015); Hansel in Hansel and Gretel at the Hertford Theatre (2015-16); lead vocalist in One May Two Guvnors at the London Contemporary Theatre (2016).